In my final blog post of 2006, Will 2007 be the Year of the Podcast?, I predicted that we're going to see a lot of growth in the podcasting space this year. While it's too early to know if my prediction will come true, I'm certainly going to do my part to add to the podcast momentum.
Today I am pleased to announce the launch of my first podcast, Marketing Martini, and its tagline, "Internet Marketing Advice Served Straight Up".
Marketing Martini is a free weekly business podcast for busy professionals that serves up a condensed shot of practical Internet marketing advice from yours truly, Bill Sweetman.
Listeners to the Marketing Martini podcast will learn how to market their products and services on the Internet using Internet marketing solutions that are practical, measurable, and effective.
Because I know everyone's time is precious, each weekly episode will be kept to less than 10 minutes in length and will honour what I am calling The Marketing Martini Promise.
I invite you to take a sip of the Marketing Martini, served straight up every week at
Marketing Martini would not have been possible without the inspirational musings of Mitch Joel and C.C. Chapman as well as the expert advice of Leesa Barnes. Special thanks to Miss Yvonne for her voiceover work, Mouth Media for the logo design, and Eugene, Oregon's Mofessor for the use of their music.
Domain name expert Bill Sweetman is the President & Lead Ninja of Name Ninja, a boutique domain name consulting firm that helps companies acquire, manage, protect, and profit from their domain names. Bill has provided strategic domain name advice to major companies around the world for over 20 years.
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