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October 19, 2008


Josh Neumann

I don't drink coffee, and unfortunately can't attend, but this sounds like an interesting event. I am always looking for ways to generate more traffic, so hopefully I can hear you speak sometime.

Barbara Rocha

Saw you last night and was amazed. You gave real world information that I am using a day later! I did, however, write the wrong information down regarding your "gift" from microsoft for the ad centre coupon. Could you send me the right address - I don't want to miss out.
Barbara Rocha
Paint A Lifestyle

Bill Sweetman

Hi Barbara, thanks for your feedback on the event. Here is that link for the Microsoft AdCenter coupon:


(I have also emailed this to you as well.)



There may be an interesting connection between your post and one article I wrote about coffee and internet marketing. Small and medium business owners amy find this interesting, Internet Marketing and Coffee. - www.pitstopmedia.com/sem/internet-marketing-and-coffee -

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  • Sweetmantra offers domain name strategy and advice, tips, and best practices by domain name expert and Internet marketing veteran Bill Sweetman. Topics covered include domain acquisition, domain brokering, domain buying, domain management, domain monetization, domain sales, new gTLDs, and premium domain names.

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