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May 10, 2009


Michael McHale

Interesting Bill, FYI from a historical note, first use of the term twitter - 1842 Rochdale pioneers - the first retail co-operative movement in the UK. Local merchants hired people to "twitter" (heckle...insult)people who were brave enough to shop at the Rochdale co-operative shop.

Fabien Tiburce

Good post! Funny story: I published, barely two weeks ago, a post on this very topic with the exact same title! Interestingly my tips are all different. If interested, my own 10 twitter tips for pros are at http://betterdot.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/10-twitter-tips-for-professionals/

Tom Troughton

Thanks Bill for this informative post. I especially liked your points about making one's profile description and background meaningful and professional. . . points that many people overlook.

Darrin Crudup

Hi Bill, very informative post. Thanks for your Twitbacks recommendation. I have been looking for a service like this to upgrade my twitter background. Hope to see you on Twitter.

Thanks again,


Dan Lew

Hi, nice tips for twitter. I agree with sharing rather then market, as you can come across desperate. Also I recommend http://www.tweetyback.com for free or custom backgrounds

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