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April 18, 2013



You're the king. But you already knew that. Best of luck man... you'll be missed!

tom murphy


Congrats on your new direction.

You are and have always been a class act so I am surte you will succeed at this as you have always suceeded.

Best Wishes
Tom Murphy

Leesa Renee Hall

I'm a HUGE fan of reinvention (as you know). I'm happy for your decision. Super, uber happy.

I, too, regretted 1 decision I did not make years ago. I wrote about it on Michael Port's blog (see http://tinyurl.com/bqnffxl ). It only came up for me as I looked back 20-years and asked myself what was I doing.

I don't like to live with regrets. In fact, as this one came up, it left me with a gross feeling. But like you, I've decided to transform that regret into something amazing. To turn that energy of regret into one of pursuing my current goals relentlessly.

So kudos to you, my friend. Pursue your next step relentlessly. And who knows, that opportunity you turned down so long ago may very well show up in a different way.

Ken Schafer - Tucows

You will definitely be missed here at Tucows Bill!

Thanks for the kind words and the many years of hard work in helping make Tucows so successful.

Heather Finley

Congratulations on your next big adventure, Bill. Carpe diem!!

Rohan Jayasekera

Bill, best of luck and I hope to bring you some business!

Morgan Linton

Congrats Bill, looking forward to hearing more about your next adventure as it evolves!


Congratulations Bill. :-)

Zak Muscovitch

Congratulations, Bill! I have enjoyed being a lone wolf for 10 years, and I hope you enjoy the same.

elliot noss

thanks for all your hard work bill. you are a pleasure to work with.

now you are on the "price check" list! :-)


Congratulations Bill. You are a wonderful, brilliant, insightful domain expert. Tucows was lucky to have you for a time. Now is the time for you to soar.

Sandy Salem

Congratulations Bill! Keep up the great innovation and inspiration.

Tom McDonald

Congrats Bill! I hope your work takes you out to the left coast soon so I can weasel a beer out of you; It'll be a tax write-off now! :)

Eden Spodek

Congratulations Bill! I'm looking forward to learning more about your career reboot.

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  • Sweetmantra offers domain name strategy and advice, tips, and best practices by domain name expert and Internet marketing veteran Bill Sweetman. Topics covered include domain acquisition, domain brokering, domain buying, domain management, domain monetization, domain sales, new gTLDs, and premium domain names.

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