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February 2, 2015


Alan Dodd


That sounds great. I think everyone who works in domain names - it's a labor of love.

Interesting about the lack of interest for the new domains. Too much choice is the killer. If they had been releasing say three to four since 2000, then we (i.e. The Internet) would be in a much better position?

That's interesting on non-domainer owners. I have been after a domain - inactive - since the year dot, so in fact I will send you a pm on linkedin.

AbdulBasit Makrani

Good to hear your story and great going. Keep it up!


I agree that the gtlds are a waste of money. Stick with only .com for resale value and consumer confidence.

Bill Sweetman

Stanley, I never said the new gTLDs are a waste a money. It's just that my client base isn't very excited about them yet.

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  • Sweetmantra offers domain name strategy and advice, tips, and best practices by domain name expert and Internet marketing veteran Bill Sweetman. Topics covered include domain acquisition, domain brokering, domain buying, domain management, domain monetization, domain sales, new gTLDs, and premium domain names.

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