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February 11, 2015


Jackie Goldstein

I actually recently purchased and read Domain Graduate.

While there were a few gems in there, overall I found it to be poorly organized and often outdated (eg emphasis on parking revenue).

I would not recommend for someone wanted to get up to speed today.

Supratik Basu

Where did I make mistake by registering 0b1000.com? 0b1000 = 8 in Binary, that is same for every computer on earth across all languages.

Where my logic went wrong?

Donna Mahony

Great post Bill! I could have saved a lot of money if this information was available when I started:)

Bill Sweetman

@ Jackie - So glad to hear you read Domain Graduate. While it's true that some of the information needs updating (Sean tells me he is working on a revised version) the basic principles taught in the book are timeless and that is why I still consider it a must-read. Please let me know if you've since found a better eBook on this topic because I have yet to.

@ Supratik - I like your sense of humour. That is a joke, right?

@ Donna - Thanks. Me too!


Bill-this is a great post you wrote. Now that i've made every rookie mistake there is I feel im finally starting to "get it" a bit at least-just as I did years ago when I first started to develop real estate. After registering a lot of crap (pardon me) I started to buy names like PalmSpringsAuto.com and JacksonHoleListings.com ChinaBrewers.com (something that makes sense) It seems that i'm gravitating towards "Geo" names just as I ended up a land developer in real estate vs homes-commercial etc -my point is I think-just as in real estate-you have to find your way with what suits your personality. Thanks again for a great post. John

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  • Sweetmantra offers domain name strategy and advice, tips, and best practices by domain name expert and Internet marketing veteran Bill Sweetman. Topics covered include domain acquisition, domain brokering, domain buying, domain management, domain monetization, domain sales, new gTLDs, and premium domain names.

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