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April 15, 2015


Jeff Libert / Webwork / CrankyOldMan

Intelligent inquiries will tend to get a better response rate.

1. Address the registrant by name if you know it (and should).
2. Be prepared to make an initial offer, without solicitation, as the holders of decent domains get countless "fishing" inquiries: "Are you interested in selling?", etc. So much clueless BS or so many hopefuls hoping the recipient is clueless.
3. If you choose to hide your identity don't be surprised if you are ignored. Nothing does less to pique my interest than to receive an inquiry from a gmail or yahoo address. IFF a (known) broker comes knocking at least the registrant has some assurance that he's dealing with someone who has a clue.
4. IFF you are a broker you own it to yourself to NOT make inquiries on behalf of client's who are engaged in wishful thinking.
5. Silence is likely the first clue that your approach isn't working.

Bill Sweetman

Jeff, some great advice in there for everyone. Thanks for sharing. Now, about that domain of yours I inquired about... ;+)

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  • Sweetmantra offers domain name strategy and advice, tips, and best practices by domain name expert and Internet marketing veteran Bill Sweetman. Topics covered include domain acquisition, domain brokering, domain buying, domain management, domain monetization, domain sales, new gTLDs, and premium domain names.

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