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October 12, 2016



Don't forget Adam, cause he sounds like a cool guy. :)

Eric Lyon

I agree, it's always good practice to look at the consumers perspective for any service or product (Including domains). I think most of the negative hype around the new gTLD's simply stems from the fear of change and something new (Unfamiliar territory). Once more developments on new gTLD's come to light, I'm sure that the markets will shift again and the investors will follow. For now though, while everything is ripe for the picking and people are still on the fence, it's a great time for earlier birds to get their worms.


Extremely well said, Bill.

As a long-time (19 years) domainer, myself, I understand the motivations of the individual investors in this industry, i.e., pay your bills, make a profit, maybe get wealthy. But I've always had a problem with the fact that (i) there's an incredibly short term time horizon from many players, i.e., the 'flippers,' and (ii) the players in this space NEVER (collectively) work together. There are undoubtedly a handful of domainers that work together in different ways (as buddies often do); but I've never seen any mass movement by industry participants to, say, put a moratorium on sales for 60-days - and see the effects of pent-up demand.

To your core point about gTLDs, the ONLY reason why I've made investments in dot-VIP (and only dot-VIP) is because of the end-use possibilities - which I believe are huge for the right names -, NOT whether I can flip the name 30 days after-the-fact.

Anyway, thanks again for sharing your thoughts.

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  • Sweetmantra offers domain name strategy and advice, tips, and best practices by domain name expert and Internet marketing veteran Bill Sweetman. Topics covered include domain acquisition, domain brokering, domain buying, domain management, domain monetization, domain sales, new gTLDs, and premium domain names.

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